View images from a variety of the training courses and seminars offered by Edwards Training Center. We work hard to provide the most comprehensive and thorough courses available in the Tri-State area, ensuring that when you leave, we have given you the most current and complete training possible.

Available Handgun Courses
Edwards Training Center offers a variety of training classes, most notably our very thorough CCW course through to our Handgun I, Handgun II and Advanced Pistol Fighting and Low Light courses. Since most individuals who carry daily are faced with having to use their firearm in self-defense, we feel it is necessary to give you the best instruction and training possible - YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MUCH TRAINING! The more training you receive, the less likely you are to ever have to use lethal force in a self-defense encounter.

Vehicle Defense Class

We provide instructor assistance and range training for our guests

We always provide instructors and RSO's for all of our classes to assist you and ensure the safety of all participants on the range

Vehicle Defense Class

Youth Handgun Class teaches mature teens the proper and safe gun handing techniques

Boy Scouts training for merit badge under supervision of staff

Tuesday Evening Training Drills on the range

Low Light Pistol Fighting Class daylight drills

Training in our Live Shoothouse with certified NRA Instructors and RSO's. This is the proper way to exercise clearing your home.

Tuesday Evening Training Drills on the range