Rules of Play & Engagement
All players must attend and comprehend a safety briefing and firearms lesson prior to use of their equipment and the start of their session. This is to ensure both the safety and enjoyment of everyone playing the field.
Eye protection
All eye protection must be full seal (surrounding the eyes) and be rated to resist impacts (meet or exceed ANSI z87.1 standards) and have retention. Mesh goggles are not allowed unless another form of eye protection is worn underneath; i.e., approved safety glasses.
Age Restrictions
Ages 12-15 – may wear full-face paintball mask, or full seal goggles and mesh or hard plastic lower face protection that covers the lower face and ears.
Ages 16-17 – must wear full seal goggles and lower mesh or hard plastic that covers the lower face.
Ages 18+ – can wear just full seal glasses with retention; however full face protection is still recommended.
The terrain is uneven and there are many trip hazards in the woods and surrounding areas, so suitable footwear with good angle support is strongly encouraged and recommended. NO flat or smooth bottom footwear. All footwear must be minimum close-toed athletic shoes.
A barrel blocking device (BBD), a.k.a. a Barrel Bag, is required for all players to have for their weapons. The BBD and weapon safety are to remain on, and weapons are to remain unloaded (magazine out of your weapon) until given permission to load and prepare for play by the Field Marshal.
All weapons should arrived and remain cased until given permission by Field Marshal to remove and prepare for play.
Weapon Restrictions
Feet Per Second Limitations
All weapons are chronograph-ed with either .20 gram, .40 gram, or .45 gram bbs at the Field’s discretion. HPA and Gas rifles must be chromed with .40 gram bbs to account for joule creep and remain under the joule limit.
Pistols / Shotguns
must be under 400 FPS w.20s or 1.49j
(() ft MED on semi / 50 ft MED on Full)
SMGs / Rifles / LMGs
must be under 420 FPS w/.20s or 1.64 j
(25ft MED on semi / 50 ft MED on Full)
Qualifying DMRs(semi locked)
must be under 450 FPS w/ .20s or 1.88j
(50ft MED)
Qualifying MMGs
must be under 450 FPS w/.20s or 1.88j
(75ft MED)
Bolt Action Sniper Rifles
must be under 550 FPS w/.20s or 2.81j
(75ft MED)
No weapon may shoot over 25 rounds per second
No plastic BBs are permitted. Biodegradable (Bio) ammo is available for purchase in the Pro Shop if you do not have any. HPA (High Power Airsoft) brand BBs are not allowed to be used at our facility due to their decomposition and environmental concerns. The continued use of these BBs while at the facility will result in forfeiture of play and being escorted off the premises without a refund and possibly banishment indefinitely.
Prohibited Items
The following items are strictly prohibited; anyone found carrying or to be in possession of any of these items is subject to immediate ejection and banned from the field indefinitely.
Any live-fire firearm(s) and/or live ammunition
Any live-fire simunition firearm and/or simunition ammunition
Any metal bladed knife, of any length
Mace, Pepper Spray or other form of chemical weapon
Improvised airsoft grenade, mines or other explosives
No Fire Zones
All no-fire zones will be clearly marked. All airsoft guns will be placed on safe, the magazine will be ejected and a barrel bag must be placed on the gun at all times in no fire zones. Eye protection will be worn at all times outside of the no fire zones.
Staging Area
BBD's or Barrel Socks are required on weapons at all times while off the field and/or in the staging area. Participants may load magazines of BBs, however the magazines MAY NOT BE PLACED in the weapon! Do not fire a gun/weapon in the staging area. Only discharge your weapon/gun in a designated firing area (field of play) or at the direction of a Field Marshal for a chrono check. A barrel sock with paracord must be applied to the firearm and must be capable of safely stopping a BB or projectile. A "sock" you wear on your foot or other garment or apparatus is not allowed or permitted to be used as a Barrel Sock or BBD. Side arms or pistols must be holstered or cased.
All boundaries are clearly marked with yellow caution tape. Do not cross outside of or shoot through the yellow caution tape.
Prohibited Items
Firearms and Live Ammunition, Any blade longer than 4 inches, Mace, Pepper Spray or any other nonlethal weapon, Improvised airsoft grenades, Pyrotechnic devices, Potato guns or any compressed air launcher., Absolutely no alcohol or illegal narcotics.
Field Marshals
Field Marshals are the supreme authority on the field. They are here to give players a fun, enjoyable experience for all involved. Please be respectful and comply with all requests from Marshals. Marshals must be informed of any gameplay problems and real world emergencies.
Disobeying, disrespecting and/or arguing with a Marshal is strictly prohibited. Those that cannot abide by the rules or the decision of the Field Marshal may be banned from the field indefinitely.
Hit Calling
Airsoft is an honor sport, the game hinges on the integrity of the players. Integrity and respect go hand-in-hand with quality and consistent gameplay. A hit anywhere to the body or gear of a player counts as a hit. All direct hits to any part of a players body are valid, whether a player is hit in the chest, head or pinky finger. ALL PLAYERS MUST CALL HEIR HITS! Ricochets do not count, nor do gun hits, or friendly fire. When hit, a player should yell “HIT” as loud as possible, raise his or her dead rag, and assume a nonthreatening position. Dead players may not talk, or communicate in any fashion with other players.
When "hit" during gameplay:
the player must yell as loudly and clearly as possible "HIT!"
additionally, to visually signify a hit, the player's weapon and/or hand(s) must be raised over their head
while a player is dead, s/he cannot speak, motion, or provide any insight to any other player, regardless of team. They may speak only to a Medic "HIT", "Needs First Aid". Players cannot speak while being treated by a medic, nor share any details or 'intel' with a medic or any other player. Dead men do not talk. A hit player cannot communicate with any other player until healed by a medic and returned to gameplay or they have been respawned.
Once hit, a player (unless otherwise dictated) has the option to wait for a medic to heal or revive them and return them to gameplay, or they will wait five minutes and then can return to a designated respawn area or designated point. A respawn point is a designated location from which a dead player can come back to life and be healed and rejoin the game. Until a player has been healed or respawned, they cannot perform and combat or administrative tasks; i.e., they cannot perform a weapons check or reload, or communication with any other player of the game. Once a player reaches the respawn point, they may be considered alive and from that point may then return to gameplay.
Respawn locations are usually placed on the outskirts of a game area in order to prevent spawn camping
Spawn camping is defined as watching therespawn point of an opposing team and killing other players as they exit the respawn area
Spawn camping is unsportsmanlike conduct and is strictly prohibited. Shooting at an enemy or player entering or exiting a respawn point or at an enemy while he/she is respawning is not allowed
A respawn is a designated area that dead players can walk to, tap and come back to life. Players must go all the way to respawn. They cannot start on the way to respawn and stop for any reason before reaching their respawn point.
Dead Rags
All players MUST carry two dead rags on them at all times and store them in two separate locations. This rule ensures that if one dead rag is lost the player will not create confusion being “dead” without an available dead rag for their head.
Medics are designated players who can heal dead friendlies back to life by treating them with the injured players gauze bandage and treating them as long as it takes to wrap the bandage around an appendage. Anyone can move a dead friendly player by maintaining physical contact. However, Medics may not shoot or move while healing a dead player.
Rules of Engagement
Try and aim for center mass when at all possible. Blind firing is not allowed, weapons should always be shouldered and players should have the ability to aim down the sights when firing. All weapons must be on semi automatic inside of buildings. Full auto fire is prohibited within fifty (50) feet of any individual or object.
Players should not put themselves in a position in which headshot(s) are necessary or encouraged. All players are encouraged to aim at center mass (center of chest). However, a hit on any part of the body is considered legal and should be counted and properly claimed.
Blind firing is prohibited and not allowed. Blind firing is defined as shooting a weapon without looking down the sight(s) or optic of that weapon; for example, shooting through a hole or window or around a corner without looking.
Overshooting is unsportsmanlike. Once a player has called their hit and they have signified their hit, they should no longer be shot or a target.
Melee kills, or "ambush" kills will be honored. A melee kill occurs when a player touches any other part of another player with a replica knife or their hands, signifying a kill. The victim must take the kill. This is to eliminate any close-firing situations.
Bang Kill / Minimum Engagement Distance (MED)
You may not shoot another player within ten (10) feet. This includes any style airsoft pistol and any shotgun chronoed under 350 fps.
When you are within 10 feet, you must audibly say "bang kill" to kill the enemy player.
If both players say "bang kill" at the same time, or if there is a disagreement, both players are dead.
In order to execute a "bang kill", the gun must be pointed at the opponent at the time "bang kill" is called.
Medic Rule
Medics are designated players who can heal dead friendlies back to life by treating them with the injured players gauze bandage and treating them as long as it takes to wrap the bandage around an appendage. Anyone can move a dead friendly player by maintaining physical contact. However, Medics may not shoot or move while healing a dead player.
Medics for each team will be clearly identified by an armband or medic insignia on the front and back of their gear.
Each person (participant) may carry up to two (2) feet (minimum length required) of gauze bandage/s. This allows you to be bandaged, or saved twice on the field, acting as your on-field respawn.
Wounded players waiting for a medic cannot move without aid. Live players may place a hand on a wounded player's shoulder and walk with them, which will be considered an assisted drag. Live players' hand/s must remain on the wounded player' shoulder and/or arm in order to move the wounded player.
Wounded players CANNOT TALK, aside from calling out for a MEDIC's aid.
Medics are only permitted to wrap the bandage (gauze) around the players appendage.
Medics cannot medic or treat themselves. Medics can only be bandaged by another medics' bandage.
If a team medic is injured, that team do not have a medic until the injured team medic is healed and treated or respawned and returns back to the game. -
Medics will be determined prior to the start of the game. They can be assigned by a commanding officer or established by an Admin or Field Marshal at the starting base prior to the beginning of play.
All of the following carry the penalty of expulsion from the field if violated:
Use of profanity
Any language that is deemed verbally aggressive; i.e., threats, slurs, vulgar gestures, condescending language.
Any physical aggression or unwanted physical contact; i.e., striking grabbing, shooting outside of gameplay.
Theft from private persons or the field.
This includes the handling of any other players' equipment without their expressed consent. -
All patrons are expected to act with integrity and maturity. Anyone who becomes a danger to themselves or the field will be ejected form the facility immediately.
No drugs or alcohol are permitted, and you will not be prohibited to play if you are suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Basic Field Rules
Age restriction(s) are for participants aged twelve (12) and above.
All players, regardless of age, are required to sign a waiver form prior to playing. One waiver, per player, per visit.
Magazine(s) and or ammunition cannot be in your gun in any safe zone, unless the weapon is holstered and on safe or cased.
Masks and/or goggles MUST STAY ON YOUR FACE at all times while near or on the playing field. Players caught taking their masks off while on the field will be reprimanded or possibly banned from the facility indefinitely.
Call your hits! Airsoft is a game based on the honor system, and cheaters are not tolerated. Period.
Eliminated, or "killed" players are forbidding from speaking to any other player engaged in the game. Dead men don't speak. This includes become a human shield, or body-blocking for another player. An eliminated player cannot speak or communicate with another active player; this includes providing 'intel', or giving supplies (i.e., gas, bbs, magazines) to those still in the game.
Do no litter. Pick up your own trash, and pick up any trash you see on the field, regardless if it is yours or not.